Responsibility - KacDoktor

We support. We do not encourage.

KacDoktor's mission is to free people from hangovers in the fastest and most effective way. Nevertheless, we openly admit: the only 100% effective method for a hangover is to avoid alcohol. Or at least to fundamentally change your habits.

Too frequent hangovers?

If you use our services, it is possible that you are already fed up with unpleasant symptoms related to the next day syndrome. Maybe you are wondering whether your drinking is problematic. Or maybe you have already said to yourself "I don't drink anymore"?

If you feel that we are talking about you, or you just want to understand the topic better, we encourage you to take a closer look at yourself and we provide a handful of useful tools.
A conscious approach to alcohol can change your life. Seriously.


If you drink, drink wisely. What does this mean? Try to stick to certain rules.

Better less than often

Drinking a larger amount of alcohol once in a while is less harmful to the liver than drinking small amounts every day. In the countries of the Mediterranean basin, where there is a culture of drinking wine with dinner, there are much more cases of alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver. This is not means we recommend getting drunk!


Remember to stay hydrated. After each alcoholic beverage, drink a glass of water or another non-alcoholic drink.

Take breaks

Shot after shot has never ended well. Skip the line, take a break - it's really worth it.

Don't drink on an empty stomach

The traditional sleeper has its justification. Eat a decent meal before going out, and try to eat snacks while drinking alcohol.

Don't give in to pressure and don't put pressure on

Let the text "you won't drink with me stay in the previous millennium. If someone doesn't drink, don't force him to give a reason.

Set yourself a limit

Set yourself an iron limit - for example 3 drinks - and don't question your decision. Try, even if it's not easy. You'll thank yourself in the morning.

Plan your return home

Before the party, arrange with your friends whether someone can take you back, if possible, plan to return by taxi or Uber. Set a return time in advance. After may seem attractive, but are these deep conversations at dawn really so valuable? Do you remember any of them in detail? Exactly.

Don't trust your intuition

The next day, watch out for blood alcohol levels - the feeling of sobriety may be unreliable. If you don't have to, don't get behind the wheel. Test yourself with a breathalyzer.


We have collected and prepared some sobering statistics with a small drop of hope.

pure alcohol - this is how much the average Pole consumes annually

Poles drink alcohol at least 4 days a week

the population drinks alcohol 5 days a week or more

people who drink excessively and are addicted suffer from depression

all cancer cases are caused by alcohol

alcohol is responsible for half of liver cancer cases in Europe

surveyed teenagers in the UK declare that they do not drink alcohol at all. Surprise!


Alcohol has a direct toxic effect on the tissues of the entire body - even in small amounts. See what and how it is affected by regular or excessive alcohol consumption.

Call us! and book a visit, 24h / 7 days a week. +48 511 833 844